
360 Feedback

Peripat can run 360 reviews and capture objectives for your employees.




Our system is intuitive and easy to use.


Users can request feedback from anyone in your organisation, you can set the minimum number, and some reviewers can be pre-filled.


Users can set their objectives and revisit to track their progress.


Reviews can be viewed within the system or can be downloaded as a PDF.


Feedback is genuinely anonymous. Even administrators cannot lookup who gave what feedback.


Email content and triggers can be configured to your needs.


We support SSO for all major authentication suppliers.


Peripat is very flexible and can accomodate you specific requirements.

AI Data Analysis

We use artificial intelligence to report on common themes in development goals, objectives and reviews.

Get Started

Check out our FAQs and if you still have questions, contact us or schedule a meeting.

Why Peripat?

Run your 360 reviews and capture objectives

The system has been built from the ground up with a focus on simplicity and usability for the end user. The system will guide users based on where their review is up to and any outstanding actions they have.

Peripat can be customised as much as you need. All text, menus and email wording can be tailored to suit the language used by your organisation. Functionality allows users to be split into different groups, for example when reviews are run at different times of the year in different locations.

Users are able to set objectives which can be revised and revisted throughout the year.

Who is it for?

360 reviews and setting objectives within your organisation


You can run 360 reviews for small organisations to over 10,000 users.

The system is genuinely anonymous, it is perfect for small teams where the person controlling the setup also participates in the review.


The language used within the system can be customised for consistency across your organisation.

Peripat can be modified so the language matches existing documentation or a previous system.


We are flexible and customisable, for example, the system can be tailored to accommodate different review groups running at different times, groups to be split across regions and countries, reviews to run simultaneously for different locations.

Administrators are able to modify the groupings and users within them as needed.


With self service administration it is easy for system administrators to control the review process.

Administrators can easily manage the review process, see statistics, and see which users have not completed reviews.

Get Started

Check out our FAQs and if you still have questions, contact us or schedule a meeting.


Pricing varies per organisation depending on several factors such as the number of users, level of customisation, Single Sign On (SSO) provider and data retention requirements.

We guarantee to beat any genuine quote with like-for-like functionality.

To discuss with us, please schedule a meeting or contact us. For answers to common questions, check our FAQ.