
Frequently Asked Questions

360 Feedback

The review process is:

  • Users select their manager (if not automatically input by the system)
  • Users select who they wish to receive feedback from. This can be partly pre filled for manager/peers/direct reports if this information is known
  • Users submit their feedback nominations to their manager (if manager approval is required for your organisation)
  • The manager will review the feedback nomination list for the users and can either approve, reject or amend the nominations list.
  • When the feedback period opens, nominated users can submit feedback.
  • When the feedback period closes, users will be able to access their 360 reviews
  • Objectives can be set before, during or after the 360 process

Yes. It is anonymous. Even to the system administrators.

We made sure it is anonymous so that users feel comfortable giving genuine feedback. If feedback is only positive then the opportunity for growth and imporvement is missed.

The information required to link the feedback with who gave it does not leave our servers and is not sent to the browser. There are no timestamps or IDs, admins cannot log in as another user and the order that feedback is shown is random.

The system owners at Peripat can link who gave what feedback, but this would only be done if there was a case of gross misconduct. We will not provide that information to an organisation just because someone didn't like the feedback they received. Users can, however, sometimes tell who wrote the feedback based on the writing style.

Almost everything. We know it's important that the language used is consistent across systems

The headings, the text on each page, the email reminders, the help information, the feedback questions, the objectives questions, even the names 'feedback', 'review' and 'objectives' can all be customised.

Users can be put into groups. Each group can have it's own review dates. This is useful if different regions or divisions have different review dates.

Users with multiple reporting lines will need to select the person who is most appropriate to be the reviewer of their 360 feedback and objectives. Feedback and objectives can be shared post review period for anyone else to view.

If a user didn't do their review or give feedback within the set dates then your system administrators can give temporary access for users to complete reviews after the dates have ended.

Yes. The 360 review and objectives from previous years will be available to be reviewed by users.

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